NK Solutions Media Apps

Turbosteps - Fausto Murillo 15.0.0
Hi friends!My name is Fausto Murillo Gamboa. Student of Bachelor ineducation physical recreation and sports of the University Catholicof East in Medellin.In the year 2010 started to do exercises aerobic free for thecommunity of beautiful and from the 2013 share routines full ofexercises for all the world in Youtube.My mission is to help people who want to improve your body andyour health by adopting a healthy lifestyle. I was that not iseasy, but with discipline and an attitude positive is possible.With Turbosteps - Fausto Murillo, will manage to lose but andobtain desired body.Just to install this application you will follow a routine; burnfat, lose weight, lowering of weight and carry you physical to themaximum.With Turbosteps-Fausto Murillo have access a:-Routines for beginners-Working with Mancuerdas and muscle mass-60 days of Cardio routine-Healthy eating-Cardio for all the body-Challenge of 60 days-Content much more to keep your body healthy.If you have asked these questions:How achieve lower in weight?How to get ABS?How to exercise my body at home?Only you have to install Turbosteps and achieve all theseresults.Remember that Turbosteps - Fausto Murillo is completely free andyou can share it with your contacts.
Air promotions 5.0.0
Get tickets, tickets for cheap flights, thebest airline promotions to fly to your destination with thisapp.Just install the application and navigate in it, you're always upto date, about the best promotions of flights, even you can findflights, destinations, recommendations.Airline promotions, it is the easiest ways to save and economizethe travel, whether for your holiday, business trip, or simply wantto live traveling.For example, you can find combinations of flights, based onnon-conventional airports, or scales, to economize; You can save upto 50% of costs in tickets or tickets.Also, we will keep you informed with the latest news about airlinesand issues relating to travel.We know that traveling is something that everyone likes, this iswhy we launched this application so you can travel more spendingmuch less.Remember that airline promotions, it's totally free and you canshare it by Whastapp and social networks with your friends fromyour smartphones and Tablet.
Cheap flights 6.0.0
If you need to get tickets, tickets, cheapflights to your next trip, you should only install this app.Just install the application and navigate in it, you're alwaysup to date, about the best promotions of flights, even you can findflights, destinations, recommendations.Cheap flights, it is the easiest ways to save and economize thetravel, whether for your holiday, business trip, or simply want tolive traveling.For example, you can find combinations of international flights,starting with scales, or non-conventional airports to save money;You can save up to 50% of costs in tickets or tickets.Also, we will keep you informed with the latest news aboutairlines and issues relating to travel.We know that traveling is something that everyone likes, this iswhy we launched this application so you can travel more spendingmuch less.Remember that cheap flights is completely free and you can shareit by Whastapp and social networks with your friends from yourSmartphone and Tablet.
Argentina cheap flights 6.0.0
If you need to get tickets, tickets for cheapflights from Argentina to the world, you should only install thisapp.Just install the application and navigate in it, you're alwaysup to date, about the best promotions of flights, even you can findflights, destinations, recommendations.Cheap Argentina flights, it is the easiest ways to save andeconomize the travel, whether for your holiday, business trip, orsimply want to live traveling.For example, you can find combinations of flights, based onnon-conventional airports, or scales, to economize; You can save upto 50% of costs in tickets or tickets.Also, we will keep you informed with the latest news aboutairlines and issues relating to travel.We know that traveling is something that everyone likes, this iswhy we launched this application so you can travel more spendingmuch less.Remember that with cheap Argentina flights, it's totally freeand you can share it by Whastapp and social networks with yourfriends from your Smartphone and Tablet.
Promos Aereas AR 12.0.0
Promos Aereas ARSi necesitas conseguir tiquetes, pasajes de vuelos baratos desdeArgentina al Mundo, solo debes instalar esta app.Con solo instalar la aplicación y navegar en ella, estarás siempreal día, sobre las mejores promociones de vuelos, incluso podrásbuscar vuelos, destinos, recomendaciones.Promos Aéreas AR, es la formas más sencillas de ahorrar yeconomizar los viajes, ya sea para tus vacaciones, viajes detrabajo, o simplemente si quieres vivir viajando.Por ejemplo, podrás encontrar combinaciones de vuelosinternacionales, partiendo de aeropuertos no convencionales, o conescalas, para economizar; se puede ahorrar hasta un 50% de costosen pasajes o tiquetes.También, te mantendremos informado con las últimas novedades sobreAerolíneas y cuestiones relacionadas a viajar.Sabemos que viajar es algo que a todos nos gusta, por esta razónlanzamos esta aplicación para que puedas viajar más gastando muchomenos.Ventajas de utilizar Promos Aereas AR- Encontrar las mejores promociones de vuelos- Vuelos Baratos Siempre- Promociones en la palma de tu mano- Promociones todos los díasRecuerda que con Promos Aéreas AR es totalmente gratis ypodrás compartirla por Whastapp y redes sociales con tus amigosdesde tu smartphones y Tablet.Promos Aereas ARIf you need to get tickets, tickets of cheap flights from Argentinato the world, you just have to install this app.With just install the application and navigate it, you'll always beup to date on the best promotions of flights, you can even findflights, destinations, recommendations.Air Promos AR , is the easiest ways to save and economize ontravel, whether for vacations, business trips, or just if you wantto live traveling.For example, you can find combinations international flights, basedon unconventional, or with stopovers, to economize airports; Youcan save up to 50% of costs in fares or tickets.we'll keep also informed with the latest news on airlines andtravel-related issues.We know that traveling is something that we all love, for thisreason we launched this application so you can travel more andspend less.Advantages of using AR Promos Aereas- Find the best flight promotions- Always Flights- Developments in the palm of your hand- Promotions dailyRemember that with Air Promos AR is completely free and can shareby Whastapp and social networks with your friends from yoursmartphone and tablet.
Finder of flights cheap 5.0.0
If need to find tickets, tickets, tickets offlights cheap, only you must install this app.With only install the application and navigate in it, will bealways to the day, on the best promotions of flights, even cansearch flights, destinations, recommendations.Search engine for cheap flights, is the easiest ways to save andeconomize the travel, whether for your holiday, business trip, orsimply want to live traveling.For example, you can find combinations of flights, based onnon-conventional airports, or scales, to economize; You can save upto 50% of tickets or tickets and tickets cost.Also, you will keep you informed with the latest news aboutairlines and issues related to travel.We know that travel is something that to all we like, by thisreason launched this application so can travel more spending muchless.Remember that with search engine for cheap flights, it's totallyfree and you can share it by Whastapp and social networks with yourfriends from your Smartphone and Tablet.Download search engine for cheap flights.
How to earn money online 1.2
If you need Extra money, or you'reunemployed,or simply you want to launch your company on theInternet, anddon't know how to do that you should only install thisapp and getready to change your life.In only 5 steps and clear examples; you will learn the processoflaunching a business on the internet and how to earn moneyonline.Business on the internet are becoming the most profitableand futuremoves towards that direction.How to earn money online, here you will find 5 steps andformslegitimate make money online from the comfort of your home orwhiletraveling. You need only a computer and the internet to beginworkand generate income.For example some of them include, selling physicalproducts,info-products, systems affiliates, create a blog, writearticles,social media manager, advertising, web development,creator ofebook's, designer, among many examples more than theywill beupdated, so you can always have the mostup-to-dateinformation.We also grant you a guide of how to make money travelingtheworld, very interesting, if your passion is to travel, cantakeadvantage of while doing it.We know that there is much work and the economic iscomplicated,so we suggest you this App to help you get what needyou.Remember how to earn money online, it's completely free, andyoucan share it by Whastapp and social networks with your friendsfromyour smatphones and Tablet.
Earn money - money easy 6.0.0
Earn money - Easy money is a guideforentrepreneurs 2.0, if you need Extra money, or you'reunemployed,or simply you want to launch your company on theInternet, anddon't know how to do that you should only install thisapp and getready to change your life.Only with a series of tips, guides, and steps to follow,you'llget clear safe and profitable internet business ideas.The advantage main is that business on the internet canbeautomated, here we will teach you to throw a virtual companyandturn it into a profitable business.For example some of them include, selling physicalproducts,info-products, systems affiliates, create a blog, writearticles,social media manager, advertising, web development,creator ofebook's, designer, among many examples more than theywill beupdated, so you can always have the mostup-to-dateinformation.You also grant a free ebook with the best opportunities ofthe2016-2017 to work as a FreeLancer in internet.Remember that WINS money - money easy, is completely free,andyou can share it by Whastapp and social networks with yourfriendsfrom your smatphones and Tablet.
Andro4all Beta 2017 8.0.0
With Andro4all Beta 2017 receives thelatestnews and the analysis of Android directly of themolderexpertsWe are an independent media focused on reporting on the latestnewsin the Android world.We have Videos of all terminals, we will face them to helpyoudecide what to buy and you will make recommendations foryouexplode your terminal to the maximum.Remember that Andro4all Beta 2017 is completely free, hasnoadvertising and you can share it with your contacts.This version of Andro4all is Beta since go adding newfunctions,according to the reviews that share about this app.
Lost 5 pounds in 3 days 10.0.0
If what you need is slimming of form fast,thisapp includes the diet ideal for you.With loses 5 pounds in 3 days, will be able to get 5 Kilos insoonly 3 days.In a very simple way and in just 3 days, you will reduce the5Kilos of your body, with a detailed and healthy diet.At the moment is a simple app, with the sole purpose that youcanlose 5 pounds in 3 days, after the comments, will uploadingupdatesand new diets.Remember that lost 5 pounds in 3 days is completely free.
Diets to lose weight 13.0.0
If what you need is to lose weightquickly,this app includes the ideal diet for you.Diets to lose weight, you will be able to lose 5 Kilos in just3days.In a very simple way and in just 3 days, you will reduce the5Kilos of your body, with a detailed and healthy diet.By the time is an app simple, with the only end of thatachieveslimming 5 Kilos in 3 days, after those comments, goclimbingupdates and new diets.Remember that diets to lose weight is completely free.29/11 = added a diet Finder
Viajes Baratos Siempre 4.0.0
Si necesitas conseguir Viajes BaratosSiemprepara tu próximo viaje, solo debes instalar esta app.Con solo instalar la aplicación y navegar en ella,estarássiempre al día, sobre las mejores promociones de vuelos,inclusopodrás buscar vuelos, destinos, recomendaciones.Viajes Baratos Siempre, es la formas más sencillas de ahorraryeconomizar los viajes, ya sea para tus vacaciones, viajesdetrabajo, o simplemente si quieres vivir viajando.Por ejemplo, podrás encontrar combinaciones devuelosinternacionales, partiendo de aeropuertos no convencionales oconescalas, para economizar; se puede ahorrar hasta un 50% decostosen pasajes o tiquetes.También, te mantendremos informado con las últimasnovedadessobre Aerolíneas y cuestiones relacionadas a viajar.Sabemos que viajar es algo que a todos nos gusta, por estarazónlanzamos esta aplicación para que puedas viajar más gastandomuchomenos.Recuerda que Viajes Baratos Siempre es totalmente gratis ypodráscompartirla por Whastapp y redes sociales con tus amigosdesde tusmartphones y Tablet.If you need to getcheaptravel always for your next trip, you should only install thisapp.With just install the application and navigate it, you'llalwaysbe up to date on the best promotions of flights, you can evenfindflights, destinations, recommendations.Cheap Travel always, is the easiest ways to save and economizeontravel, whether for vacations, business trips, or just if youwantto live traveling.For example, you can find combinations internationalflights,starting from unconventional or with stopovers, toeconomizeairports; You can save up to 50% of costs in fares ortickets.we'll keep also informed with the latest news on airlinesandtravel-related issues.We know that traveling is something that we all love, forthisreason we launched this application so you can travel moreandspend less.Remember that cheap travel is always totally free and youcanshare it by Whastapp and social networks with your friendsfromyour smartphone and tablet.
Web Developer course 3.0.0
If you need to learn how to develop sitesweb'sprofessional without knowing how to program, we recommendinstallingour app Web Developer course.With this course you will learn in a very simple way todevelopprofessional web sites, without knowing how toprogram.The course is the most complete Internet, includes thefollowingtopics:Class 1 > CMS installation• Installation by FTP and phpMyadmin (createdatabase,filezilla)• Install from cPanel with Softaculous Apps Installer• Local Server with XAMPP installation - install CMSClass 2 > Web management and basic configuration• Time zone• Permanent links• Disable search engine• Name and site description• Home page of Blog (entries)Class 3 > pages and Menus (site structure)• Create pages• Pages private• Create custom menusClass 4 > create entries and categories (articles intheblog)• Add entries• Update the same• Private entrances• Ticket categories• Key words• MultimediaClass 5 > management of Themes and Plugins (appearanceandapps)• Installation of plug-ins - 3 methods• Installation of Themes - 3 methods• Widgets• Customize siteClass 6 > reviews of management and CMS (SPAM Control)• Plugin reviews• Plugin SPAM controlClass 7 > protect Web site - security (prevent attacksfromhackers and bots)• Installation of security Plugins• Security configuration for our blog• Profiles of usersClass 8 > SEO and positioning (configuring the site forthesearch engines)• SEO Plugins• Site configuration• Configuration of inputs• Configuration of pagesClass 9 > forms of contact and subscription Newsletter• Contact form• Subscription form• Plugin to create forms of contact, surveys, etc.• Email Marketing - AutorrespondedorClass 10 > complete Backup of site (backup of our site)• Database• Files• Export / import• Backup cPanelClass 11 > site migration from one server to another (changeofhosting)• Change of serverClass 12 > update older versions of sites Webs• Update of site securely• Test• Avoid problemsWe know that developing web site is a source of future work, sowewant to help you in this process and become a professional.Remember that Web Developer course is completely free and youcanshare it by Whastapp and social networks with your friendsfromyour Smartphone and Tablet.We can share the knowledge!
Tiquetes Baratos 3.0.0
Encuentre los Tiquetes Baratos siempre,VuelosBaratos Todos los Días.Si necesitas conseguir tiquetes, pasajes de vuelos baratosparaviajar, solo debes instalar Tiquetes Baratos.Con solo instalar la aplicación y realizar una búsqueda enella,encontraras las mejores promociones de vuelos.La forma más sencilla de ahorrar viajandoPor ejemplo, podrás encontrar combinaciones devuelosinternacionales, partiendo de aeropuertos no convencionales,o conescalas, para economizar; se puede ahorrar hasta un 50% decostosen pasajes o tiquetes.También, te mantendremos informado con las últimas novedadessobrepromociones de vuelos.Sabemos que viajar es algo que a todos nos gusta, por estarazónlanzamos esta aplicación para que puedas viajar más gastandomuchomenos.Recuerda que con Tiquetes Baratos es totalmente gratisypodrás compartirla por Whastapp y redes sociales con tusamigosdesde tu Smartphone ó Tablet.No dejes de instalar Tiquetes Baratos.Find Cheap Tickets always Flights Everyday.If you need to get tickets, tickets for travel cheap flights,youshould only install Cheap Ticket .With just install the application and run a search on it, youwillfind the best promotions Flight .The easiest way to save travelingFor example, you can find combinations international flights,basedon unconventional, or with stopovers, to economize airports;Youcan save up to 50% of costs in fares or tickets.we'll keep also informed with the latest news onpromotionsflights.We know that traveling is something that we all love, forthisreason we launched this application so you can travel moreandspend less.Remember that with Cheap Ticket is completely free and can sharebyWhastapp and social networks with your friends from yourSmartphoneor Tablet.Do not let install Cheap Ticket .
Recetas Vegetarianas 3.0.0
Si tu estilo de vida es el vegetarianismo,terecomendamos instalar esta app.Con Recetas Vegetarianas, obtendrás semana a semanalasmejores Recetas Vegetarianas para que puedas preparar enlacomodidad de tu hogar.De una forma muy sencilla, con instrucción, ingredientes yvideospaso a paso.Por el momento es una app sencilla, con el único fin de queobtengaslas mejores Recetas Vegetarianas, luego de loscomentarios,iremos subiendo actualizaciones y nuevasrecetas.Recuerda que Recetas Vegetarianas es totalmentegratis.No te olvides de compartir esta app con tus seres queridos!If your lifestyleisvegetarianism, we recommend installing this app.Vegetarian Recipes , you'll get every week the bestVegetarianRecipes so you can prepare in the comfort of yourhome.In a very simple way, with instruction, ingredients and videosstepby step.At the moment it is a simple app, with the sole purpose that yougetthe best Vegetarian Recipes , after the comments, we willuploadupdates and new recipes.Remember that Vegetarian Recipes is free.Do not forget to share this app with your loved ones!